Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Values of Storytelling for the Family

Storytelling is one element that can preserve the family. It is an main element that can bind family members together.

The Devolution of the Forms of Entertainment

Entertainment in the modern world has been reduced to watching sports, playing video games, surfing online, chatting in social media and watching television.

It used to be that the main form of entertainment in the family is storytelling. Does mankind still value the art of storytelling?

An Anecdote That Shows the Importance of Telling Anecdotes

I once did an experiment with three nephews and a niece. I had the joy of "babysitting" them while my sister and brother-in-law spent some alone time. I was intent in not using the television as the surrogate baby-sitter.

Instead we spent the night taking turns telling stories. When we ran out of stories to tell I encouraged them to make up stories. We spent hours entertaining ourselves in mysteries, anecdotes, and because they were so young (5 - 8 years old), the occasional silliness. As one who takes the art of conversation as a necessary social requirement, I channeled their creativity in a healthy way.

Before long, they sister and brother-in-law returns and our night of storytelling was sadly over. Did we have fun? One point will answer that question. Not once they any of them suggested turning on the TV or playing video games.

It is my strong opinion that many families are at constant risk of falling apart or being torn apart by the modern world because of the absence of conversation. By conversation, we cannot limit it to the we-need-to-talk conversation about the dreaded subjects teenagers need to hear from their parents concerning drugs or romantic relationship. Conversations can be about every topic including storytelling. It is likewise my strong opinion that the families who have a solid conversational life are the most intact and the strongest to face the dangers the institution of the family faces today.

Here are some tips from an interesting article to help you restore the art of storytelling: 

If you like the tips, consider reading the whole article by clicking on the picture below or by following this link:

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