Monday, January 26, 2015

In Defense of Holy Matrimony

This blog will be dedicated to defending the institution of Holy Matrimony from the attacks it is suffering today especially from the homosexual agenda and the licentious lifestyle of the modern world. More and more, there is a need to remind humanity what Holy Matrimony is.

Marriage, between a man and a woman, was established by God in the beginning of time. Through the centuries marriage has gone through development and perfection. Concepts like monogamy and indissolubility were understood as things that favored the development of a healthy family. It was based on lasting union between a man and a woman, which was the solid foundation where children can be born, raised and perfected. As families grew, the concept of extended family also became understood as necessary for the perfection of the individual and families. Society thus developed organically. When Jesus entered history, He enforced the concept of the indissolubility of marriage and blessed "natural marriage" under the Church He founded.

Holy Matrimony was born. It was natural marriage baptized by the waters of Christianity.

The institution of marriage was assumed into Christianity defended first by none other than Christ Himself.

This is what we admire. This is what we love. This is what we defend.

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