Monday, November 23, 2015

The many faces of love - sibling bonding

Many times the modern family becomes so bogged down by the allure of modern technology and entertainment that we have relied on them entirely to build familial bonds. Much to the chagrin of many parents, children end up preferring to spend more time with gadgets than the parents themselves, much less the rest of the family. Older siblings don't see the value of truly bonding with their younger siblings. Many parents have lost the art of captivating the attention of their children. 

Without a doubt this is one of the common symptoms of the modern family. Uncorrected, it will eventually contribute to the dissolution of familial bonds. 

How precious were those moments when children hung on every word of the stories being told. Now, instead, and sadly, they sit mesmerized by the TV, computer or game console. 

In defending Holy Matrimony, it's necessary not to lose this custom and if lost strive to restore it. Man is a creature of habit. Habits can always be formed or forgotten. Leisure time focused on something simple is important to form lasting familial bonds. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The true union bonded by marriage

Modern man has transformed everything into a pure economic contact. In the family, it became a trend in some circles to pit husbands and wives in a Marxist class struggle.

In holy matrimony, what exists is not class struggle but a natural and mutual caring that issues from two individuals who have vowed to be as one flesh.