Monday, June 29, 2015

How Same-sex "Marriage" Affects You 101

How Same-sex "Marriage" Affects You?

Many are told that this doesn't change anything in society. Everything will be like before but now homosexuals can get married and divorced just like everybody else.

What is neglected regarding this question is the cascading effect of bad laws and in this case Judicial Legislating.

One thing that is affected across the board are businesses. All businesses are governed by the Commerce laws.

With one strike of the pen, or rather five, Supreme Court judges have doomed all companies who refuse to recognize this immoral behavior.

How SSM Affect You 101

How does same-sex "marriage"affect you?

As we've always suspected, the last stage of this process is religious persecution.

They'll force the Catholic religion and other Christian denominations to "bless" their "union". Putting the true followers of Christ in a moral dilemma. Abandon the moral principles of Christianity or disobey the law and suffer punishment.

From their point of view, if the Constitution gives them the right to be "equal" to everybody else, then no church should be able to deny them practicing their constitutional right in any church (i.e.the right to force a priest marry them)

While not all churches and faiths oppose the sin of homosexuality, the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ clearly does.

All the ingredients necessary to make a pot of religious persecution are already here.

We must resist by holding strong to our belief in Christ's teachings and the Christian values that gave birth to our people.

Patron Saint of Marriage

The great St. John the Baptist was beheaded because he opposed Herod's invalid marriage.

Many people are wondering how much we have to oppose the imposition of same sex "marriage?"

Let St. John the Baptist inspire you. Let the martyrs inspire you. Let the Passion and Death of Christ inspire you.

We don't fight because it's easy and popular. We fight because God and our country deserves heroic people who will die for them to diminish the offenses against the first and to preserve the honor of the second.

Friday, June 26, 2015

A Day of Infamy! Our resolve becomes stronger!

"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema."

The SCOTUS is no angel from Heaven.

There are two reactions in the conservative aisle. The first is discouragement. The second is the spirit to intensify our opposition.

America is not composed of laws. It is composed of a people whose union is helped by the Constitution. Judges may interpret those laws with utter disregard to the upright morals of the people and defy the people. But this does not conquer the people.

This is not the moment to get discouraged.  This is the moment when the moral majority will rise.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

A ray of hope peirces through all the smoke and mirror

The media, modern culture and politicians have all done their best to give the impression that the advance of homosexuality is conquering public opinion. This is far from the truth.

Time and again the general public has shown resistance to same sex marriage.

At large, despite all the propaganda, despite all the promotion, despite all the indoctrination, the vice of homosexuality appears to have gained little ground in the general public.

Once the general public sees the truth behind the agenda then things will change.

Is equality really equal?

In this statement of Pope Francis the day after the Gay Pride parade in Rome, he stresses the profound difference between a father and mother relationship and two individuals in the state of adultery compounded by the vice of homosexuality.

Friday, June 12, 2015

The Sympathy to Deformity and the Ridiculous

Question: Why do homosexual activists like to be associated publicly in ridiculous and deformed ways? Whether it's the makeup, the drag clothing, the effeminate behavior, limp wristed, lisp talking, hair tossing mannerisms? Or the butch lesbians?

Answer: Man is a rational being. Our souls necessarily want to express exteriorly what it senses interiorly. Our personality is nothing but the external expression of our souls: artistically, morally, ethically, in fashion, in speech, etc.

With that in mind, by the exterior we can trace characteristics of the appetites of the soul. If one's exterior expresses the ridiculous and deformity, then logical one's soul has an appetite for that.

It's not fair to say that everyone with the inclination to homosexuality is open to this aspect.

But it's more than fair to say that it is such a public aspect of the homosexual movement that it's impossible to separate it from the identity of the movement. Apart from the medical, psychological and moral issues, there's this other aspect that shows the extreme ugliness the vice homosexuality brings to those who embrace it unreservedly.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The threats to God's Marriage

Bigamy, adultery,  abortion,  contraception,  divorce and homosexuality are all threats to a holy union blessed by God.

Though some sins only violate secondary principles, others, as the sin of homosexuality does, violate natural law.

The principal finality of marriage is the procreation of children. Not that marriage only becomes valid when the couples have children. If this were so then we couldn't accept the validity of a wedding ceremony between two celibate individuals. Rather, forming a union with the intention to procreate children which gives its validity.

Being childless doesn't invalidate the finality of marriage since,  according to nature,  a man and a woman are still physically capable of conceiving, even if only by extreme prayers or a miracle from God. It is a question of accidental (something not essential to human nature) infertility.

Whereas a relationship between homosexuals are naturally and physically infertile.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Defining Holy Matrimony

To defend Holy Matrimony, it's not only necessary to define the dangers threatening to destroy it, it's necessary to bring back the awareness of its sublime beauty in the hearts and minds of mankind.

Here is a beautiful quote defining an aspect of Holy Matrimony.

"It was God who brought Eve to Adam and gave her to him as his wife, and it is God, my friends, who with his invisible hand bound the know which united you and gave you to one another; therefore give good heed that you cherish a love which is holy, sacred and divine."

- Francis de Sales, the Devout Life